dimarts, 21 d’abril del 2020


Dear Amelia.
I’m so glad to have hear about you, and about your issues. It’s sounds like you are planning the summer of your life, after all the work you been doing, during the year, there is not doubt about it.

First of all, if you really want my opinion about your indecision, of what you should do this summer. I think that after all you have done this year, you need to relax, you have enough time to start working, so my advice is that you should go to Australia, to see your brother, and enjoy your time with him, and may be if you want to start working equally you can find something there.

I feel that if you start working now, you will end so worn out of all you are doing, and I just think about your well-being, and if you go to Australia, you could come here so tanned, and you can learn how to surf, that’s so cool, I try it last summer, and in my experience it was awesome, and this may be an opportunity to know someone…

I hope that’s useful. When you decide what you will do, email me back please. I don’t want to miss anything, any detail.

Cheers, Lucía García

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