dimarts, 12 de novembre del 2019


I will talk about the most influential person in my life, it may sound typical, and sorry, but I am not going to be original this time, I will be honest, and how I was saying, that person is my mother. The most strong, persevering and affable person I ever knew. Since I born, she helped me all she could include that times she did not know how, always supports me. 

She taught me to beat myself, to be the best version of myself and many more things I am never going to forget. I remember what she said to me a day we were talking about what to do with my future, she said: "Study or be what you want, but be the best, because you can". Thank you to her I try to be better every day because she believes in me and that gives me force to do anything I propose. Maybe that is why I’ve got such difficult dreams.

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