dimarts, 12 de novembre del 2019

Narrative - Personal Biography - Lucía García

I remember that i knew her last year, in September.
You know that, people say that the best friendships starts with a “i dislike you”, well that’s how exactly has started our.
She’s Laia, and yes i know her since last year but she really display me that i can trust her, and i can count with her for everything, furthermore we have a lot in common and we complement each other, knowing us, as nobody can.
She can be sometimes like my big sister, protecting me, or giving me some advises etc…
But I can say that more than one time I was so proud of her I can say that we are growing up together, both mentally and “physically” to put it in some way.
From time to time we argue but is normal I mean we are to persons with a strong personality and we can’t always be in agreement but seldom use to happen.
In Halloween we’ve been in Port Aventura park, she was when the world was breaking on top of me, she was there when I need a shoulder where to cry, or when I needed to cry with laughter...obviously and without a doubt I do, I will do and I’ve been doing the same for her.
I can consider her like one of my family members and someone so special, and I lived many things with her in just one year, really I can’t even imagine what’s coming next.

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