dimarts, 7 de gener del 2020

Black Mirror-Paula Giménez

Black Mirror, it is a Netflix and science-fiction series that makes a social criticism. “Nosedive”, it is the first chapter of the third season. In this episode, the director want to show what would happened if we can not control whit the technology, and we start to get obsessed with it.

The story it is about a society that works with punctuations, if you have more punctuation you can access to more places and privileges. The people that you stay whit, it is the one that gives you the punctuation, so sometimes you have to be fake to like the others and have a good mark. The principal actress was so obsessed with what other thought of her that ruined her life.

This chapter has a very good message for all the people, because we have to know the power that the social media have, and we have to learn how to control all the internet power to be saved. Moreover, we have to learn how to live without depending for an electrical device. May be it have changed the live of someone, because if some people had not seen the chapter they would not have cared about it.

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