dijous, 19 de març del 2020


Toxic relationships in teenagers, unfortunately, are really common and, ironically, are not too easy to detect. The aggressor, who can or cannot be aware of his behaviour, abuse and manipulate the other person. This one, don’t know is being controlled and, here is the real problem and why school should talk about that dangerous conducts that are being accepted as normal, ignoring the important weight can have in us.

For many teenagers, it can’t have been easy to take the step and broke their abusive relationships, above all, because they had to lead with the fear and the culpability the aggressor imposes in them. However, the real first step is to be able to realize yourself that relationships are not normal and have to finish. Then, how?

Education institutions must offer additional educational programs to inform about all forms of abuse. But, that’s not the solution. Basically, the solution to that problem is in our hands, we are who have to take the step, schools just would help you to take it.

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