dilluns, 23 de març del 2020

Problem-solution essay - Martina Solé

Problem-solution essay

Nowadays, even in the most developed countries, more and more teenagers have toxic relationships and, consequently, suffer from abuse, especially women.

Abuse is a very real problem because it can affect anyone, it starts in a very subtle way, where the victim may not identify it as abuse, those are things such as controlling what they wear, where or with who they go, or making the victim slowly feel useless and stupid. Sometimes it just stops there, but sometimes, then, it becomes graver, and the abuse starts being physical, such as hitting or punching their partner or forcing them to have sex; or the psychological abuse aggravates. When this happens it’s usually difficult for the victim to stop the situation.

It is vital to take action to combat this issue. One thing that could be done is schools offering additional educational programs to inform about all forms of abuse. So as to make teenagers more conscious about this problem, and more able to identify abuse before it’s too late. Teenagers should also be taught that it’s not good to abuse someone and, that it could have harsh consequences in front of the law.

To conclude, schools should offer educational programs to inform about abuse and how to identify it they might have been able to stop it on time. More precautions must be taken to reduce, and, eventually, eliminate abuse.

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