diumenge, 29 de març del 2020



Actually, a lot of teenagers have a relationships. This is normal and frequently in this stage, but the big real problem unfortunately are when this relationships are toxics and possesives. When these relationships become in toxics because it is?

Normally, when you are in a relationship toxic, you realize it late or you just don’t realize it. Maybe it’s because of the strong love you feel for the other person.

In my point of view, when you are little, your family and your school has to talk to you about abuse, possession, jealousy and other things that might be a problem in the future.
If any of this things is happening to you, you must urgently call for help and not keep it to yourself.

When you are little, is the perfect moment to talk about this, although the children don’t understand why. Is the perfect moment because is stage to grow up and if you’re conscious when you’re child, when you’re higher won’t make that mistake.

In conclusion, this bad fact would have to be eliminated with better education. The violence is the worst thing that  we have to combat toghether.

dijous, 26 de març del 2020



Nowadays, relationships between young people are becoming more frequent. But as in all of us we can find toxic relationships, each time we find more of this type. Of course it depends the age they have or if they are mature enough.  

Toxic relationships can be dangerous for teenagers. Firstly they can affect psychologically and  depending on the couple it may go as far as involving physical violence. No one should go through a relationship like that.

Secondly, If someone has problems in your relationship, he or she should have to explain it to your friends or family. Because if they don’t explain , it probably will get worse and there will be no way out, moreover.

In addition, from school  they should promote, in the ways they can, to teach or show the first signs of a possible abus, trough this maybe most of teenagers would associate the several signs, in their personal life so they can really stop a toxic relationship.

In conclusion, I think that toxic relationships can be very dangerous and nobody should go through a relationship like that,

dimecres, 25 de març del 2020



Nowadays there are too many relationships that are toxic and many people do not realize that they really are in a problem. We must end this great problem because a toxic relationship can end badly.

In society there are many relationships in which a large part of the relationship is toxic, these relationships are increasingly seen and are more common and this relationship can end in an abuse.

In my opinion abuse is a big problem that we see more and more in society and it is not only among young people but also of more people, the abuse can be physical or psychological, the two can also join together.

In most cases, the big problem with abuse is that the victim sometimes does not know that she is being abused and with this, the victim makes it much more difficult to ask someone for help to stop the abuse before it gets worse.

In conclusion, abuse is a very serious problem that we still don't give it the importance that we should give it and we have to stop and fight so that this can be solved as soon as possible.


Nowadays, many macho attitudes have been eradicated, but not at all. Many people still think that men are above woman, but this is not true.
Those behaviours are reflected on teenager relationships. Nobody teach  us what a good relationship should be, so that could produce a wrong idea of how to treat the other person.
As well as that all of this should be taught from an early age to be prevented. For example, at school. Teachers are able to change it and guide teenagers to the right way of behaviour or at least they can try it. This part of the education needs to be learned at  school but also at home. Parents have a very important role at home, giving children good values.
Furthermore, when we  are kids, we imitate what we see at home, so then, parents  must have the obligation to have good behaviours.
In conclusion, a good education means not only be educated by the school. It also has to be with being educated at home by your parents.

Problem Solution Essay - Aina Pascual Beneito

Nowadays, toxic relationships are more common among teenagers and, consequently, sometimes, can lead to abuse, this is a problem that should be solved as soon as possible and mustn't be ignored by the society neither education system. 

To start with, schools should be aware of this problem, and let know the students what abuse consist of, and that is not only physical, it can also be psychological. 
Those educational programs should inform teenagers about these topics and how they must dodge these toxic behaviors in case they occur.

Finally, I would like to mention that this wouldn’t be the solution for preventing abuse due to the fact is a social problem, not only educational. Stereotypes, the desire of a  perfect relationship and the pressure of society also lead to abuse.

In conclusion, If educational programmes were used in school many couples could have avoid toxic relationships, but definitely it won’t be a solution for all cases.


Since 2003, 1.045 women have been murdered by their couple or ex-couple in Spain.
This is only the tip of the iceberg. Abuse begins in the teenage years, when people
start to develop toxic relationships. From my point of view, schools should help to
prevent this type of relationships as early as possible, in order to decrease the number

Firstly, I strongly believe that education is the base of society. Schools must have animportant role in preventing abuse since they have the power to transmit values such
as respect or equality. Maybe teenagers would be more aware of these type of
attitudes and would know how to detect them on time.
In addition, I am of the opinion many people suffering from abuse must have known
it but did not know how to ask for help. In this programs they might also want to add a
phone number for those who need help but are to afraid of asking it.

To sum up, I think that educational problems to inform about abuse in high schools
would help a lot to prevent this kind of attitudes during the teenage years.

Modal verbs: should, must, might
Modal perfect: must have known
Sequence connectors: firstly, in addition, to sum up.

Problem Solution Essay- Paula Giménez

Nowadays, toxic relationships are becoming a big issue among teenagers; this
can harm teenagers psychologically and physically.

Firstly, anyone can easily find himself in a toxic relationship because we do not
know how to recognize one. Furthermore, if someone realizes the situation
often they feel ashamed to tell anyone and they do not do anything to stop the
situation they are in. Although they know that may end in abuse.

It is very important the measures that are taken to solve this problem. One
measure could be that schools offer different educative programs to prevent
toxic relationships. In addition, schools should have one person with which the
students can talk and try to solve their issues.

To sum up, we should have done something earlier. We could have solved this
problem long ago.

Problem Solution Essay_Eva Tallón

Teenagers are the generation that experiment the most with their emotions, especially with love themes and relationships. However, not all is good, there are many teenager's relationships that are toxic and suffer some abuse because young people are inexperienced and novice. I think that schools should offer additional educational programs to explain about all forms of abuse.
Firstly, I believe that schools have to do these activities about abuses with the purpose of teens to stay informed. Furthermore, that will allow them to know what they can and can't do.
Second, I feel like this educational programs have to be obligatory for all type of students. In the end of these activities, the teenagers should ask themselves: "We should have had a better relationship? What must we change?"
To conclude, I would like to say that offer this additional programs could be a solution for preventing abuse, but it won't make it to disappear. It depends on more factors, for example that teens what to be more respectful for each other. 


Unfortunately, many girls are mistreated by their partners, are violently assaulted, insulted or even some of them have been assassinated. These happened because a lot of teenagers have toxic relations, they start arguing and then it always ends with violence.

 In my point of view this type of situations starts when the man of the relation think that he has the control over the girl, and he can do wherever he wants.
The best solution for this this type of situations is tried to educate better the children. 
We come from a very retrograde society and it is a very slow process trying to change the minds of these people or families. So probably the school must start doing something to change this attitudes.

Children spent a lot of time in the school, so maybe the best option is incorporating a subject that globalizes all these topics like, sex, relations, and others things that teenagers need to know because is the real life. And they don’t have any reality of this things before they don’t tried. 

In conclusion we have to remove this destype of violent actions, to change that type of relations and educate better the children so they have knowledge of this topic.

dimarts, 24 de març del 2020

A problem-solution essay- Carla Martín Amor

Nowadays, a lot of teenagers are starting dating and creating new relationship, although these have to be a good experience and really unjoyful, some of them are in toxic relationship suffering from amount of psychological and, sometimes, physic abuse.

Abuse is a reality that can affect anyone without information, so it is extremality important to find where these problems begin. It is obvious that this place is the school, the majority of the teens meet and relate to each other in their own schools, so it is fundamental that the center make some actions to stop this cruelty and make awareness of the issue.

It is vital to give them information since they are little with additional educational programs, so when they get at the puberty, they will know how to act at this situation.  Furthermore, the government should had done something about it too, because they have to, they have to do whatever it takes to help the population.

In conclusion, more precautions must be taken to reduce the toxic relationships, the most important think is giving information to the teens who does not know about this issue.

Problem - Solution Essay -- Judit López


Nowadays teenagers’ relationships have changed, the abuses and violence have increased between friends, classmates but especially in couple relationships.
Be in a toxic relationship can have a lot of bad consequences. In many cases of abuses you feel like you are in a cage, where you want to get out but you don’t know how to do it. Moreover, you have fear of asking for help because the member of the relationship who is being abused is threatened by the other member.
Since relationships in adolescence are very difficult to manage, the better solution is inform them about what they should do. Additional educational programs can help a lot to teach how to act in toxic situations, so teenagers must assist to finally learn to avoid it.
In conclusion, the best to do is to inform teenagers to avoid the thought of what they could have done.

§  Modal verbs 
§  Modal perfect
§  Sequence connectors

Problem solution essay _ Nora Salvans

                                                            Problem soltion essay

More and more cases of domestic violence are being reported, but there are still people out
there who fear take control of them and say nothing to anyone.It is totally normal for people
to be scared and not to denounce the person who did this to them for fear that it could do
more harm to them and because in many cases they have never been told that they do not
know what to do.

I think we should talk about this in schools from the age of 15, when the first love is usually started, and if we tell them that this happens to more people, and that it is possible to leave. there people would dare to ask for help

Problem Solution Essay - Anna Vidal

Problem Solution Essay

Unfortunately nowadays in our society many young people during adolescence can have abusive or toxic relationships with their friends, family or partner.

In first place, abuseive relashionships can create physical and psychological damage to the person such as being left with a trauma and having to go to a specialized doctor as a psychologist. Abuse could be considered as an excessive control of your partner like; to look at the phone, ask  with whom you speak, to ask you who you are with all the time, until you make her feel bad with yourself, like  asking why you dresses like that or creating complexes and low self-esteem. And also things that you mustn't do and things that you should do.

In second place, I really thing it could be a great idea that schools could help in this theams because a lot of teenagers suffer this relashionships and don't know who they can tell to help. And inform to all of teenagers about this causes and how to prevent and the solution it could be a great idea.

In conclusion I think that it could be a nice idea, but I think that the real solution is that if you're in a toxic relationship you must talk with an especialist for ask for help, or talk with your family and I'm sure that they will help you. But the most important thing is talk the theme, don't shut up, because maybe you're in danger and your friends and family can't help you if you don't tell them.

Problem-solution essay - Martí Ramírez

Nowadays there are a lot of toxic relationships between teenagers and, as much as this isn’t new, we have to do something to stop it.

The toxic relationships are very common in society and in a lot of cases this toxic relationships transform in abuse. Abuse is a big problem in the society specially, but not only, between teenagers. This abuse can be physic or psychological, even if usually the two are combined. One of the big problems of abuse is that the victim in a lot of cases doesn’t know that it’s being abused. So, for the victim is very difficult ask for help and stop this abuse.

In the past we could have been more involved in abuse, but now we have to react. Is essential that all of us are aware of this situations and help to stop this. In schools, for example, we could make talks to raise awareness to teenagers. In other scopes can be found a lot of activities to stop this abuse.

In conclusion, the abuse is a very worrying think and we have to combat against him.

Problem Solution Essay --- Alba Fernández Vivar

Nowadays there are many types of toxic relationships, especially in adolescents, but before they also existed, but perhaps it was not given much importance.

A consequence of toxic relationships can be abuse by your partner and this is a very real problem. Many people think that the victim is at fault and that they should have left their partner. But it is not always so easy since we do not know what conditions she is in, if he is afraid of the aggressor or if he believes that his partner is going to change, so for the person it is not so easy to hear from others "you must leave him." Moreover, many times that abuse does not start in adolescence, but that begins when you have been with your aggressor for a long time and I could have even children is very difficult.

I think that the government need to take steps to solve these problems and a good solution could be to offer educational programs talking about abuse in order to inform adolescents about the dangers that exist in toxic relationships and how to end them.

To conclude I believe that schools can help lessen the problem. Unfortunately they may not end abuse in all cases, but informational meetings can make teens realize that they are in a toxic relationship.

Problem solution essay - Aina Garrido

Schools should offer additional educational programs to form and prevent all forms of abuse. It must be another normal education for all teenagers.

Firstly, toxic relationships are more common than what people tend to imagine. Most of the teenagers only know some kind of abuses, and they don’t know that exist other forms of abuse that they may suffer. That’s why some mean behaviours are normalized in our society. I think that if we all had a base of information about abuses and toxic relationships these two would be less present in our lives. Also, from my point of view, this type of education should have been applied many years ago.

Secondly, another point to add is that teenagers are still growing up, and they don’t know at all if some conducts are good or bad nor accepted or prohibited. They have to know that, and I believe that current societies urgently need to interiorize that abuses and toxic relationships mustn’t be accepted in no way. I’m sure that additional education could help to it.

To summarize, educational programs about abuse and toxic relationships are highly necessary to prevent any kind of these behaviours. 

dilluns, 23 de març del 2020

Problem Solution Essay - Sofía Sainz

There have always been abuses, especially from men as we can see frequently in the news, but that doesn't mean that there aren’t any cases of women that abuse of other people. It is normally seen in relationships, of adults or teenagers.
First of all, it is because the society never help enough to stop the violence until now. It would be great that schools take a bit more responsibility, no cause is their fault, just because it would be more efficient to stop this through schools. So, yes, schools should offer additional educational programs to inform about all forms of abuse.
In conclusion, they should have done this years ago, but it’s better late than never. If we all work together to fix this problem, we will achieve better results. But if we don’t, the problem will remain the same.

Problem-solution essay - Martina Solé

Problem-solution essay

Nowadays, even in the most developed countries, more and more teenagers have toxic relationships and, consequently, suffer from abuse, especially women.

Abuse is a very real problem because it can affect anyone, it starts in a very subtle way, where the victim may not identify it as abuse, those are things such as controlling what they wear, where or with who they go, or making the victim slowly feel useless and stupid. Sometimes it just stops there, but sometimes, then, it becomes graver, and the abuse starts being physical, such as hitting or punching their partner or forcing them to have sex; or the psychological abuse aggravates. When this happens it’s usually difficult for the victim to stop the situation.

It is vital to take action to combat this issue. One thing that could be done is schools offering additional educational programs to inform about all forms of abuse. So as to make teenagers more conscious about this problem, and more able to identify abuse before it’s too late. Teenagers should also be taught that it’s not good to abuse someone and, that it could have harsh consequences in front of the law.

To conclude, schools should offer educational programs to inform about abuse and how to identify it they might have been able to stop it on time. More precautions must be taken to reduce, and, eventually, eliminate abuse.

Problem Solution Essay - Sara Martínez

Nowadays, the fact that most teenagers have a toxic or violent relationship with their 
partners is becoming a common thing. 

In first place, this happens because of the social pressure placed on teenagers of having a
relationship at a young age. Most of this young relationships can become toxic and unhealthy 
for the both people that are in there. And also, they can trigger a series of abuses 
(physical, psychological or sexual) from one person of the relationship to the other.

Secondly, this may also happen because of the couples we’re used to see on TV. 
Most of them aren't very healthy relationship and they’re based in jealousy or control. 
Often these couples don’t represent the image of a toxic relationship but the romantic
relationship that all the people want to have.

One of the main solutions for preventing abuse and toxic relationships is that schools
should offer additional educational programs to inform about it. This would help teenagers 
to realize what conducts are toxic in their relationships and this also may warn people that 
 must have had a toxic relationship in the past.

Problem Solution Essay-Noa Margarit

Currently, the teenagers begin the relationship much sooner than before. The problem are that  people believe of fairy tales and think real life is like that.But the life not is this. Then toxic relationships appear.
Firstly, I think we must be careful with the relationships we are in.Furthermore, the schools should report of this problem and have a solution because if they don't.People can abuse the weakest of the relationship.
Secondly,There are many people who think they are better than the other and that is why they do with them what they want.This cannot be allowed therefore the importance of education in this society.The school must have differents talks of this. These talks will be mandatory because when we accidentally get into a toxic relationship we know how to get out.
In this cases the victim never have to be silents, always have to say it in order to get out
In conclusion, the school must give help if anything happens and inform of this big problem.

Problem Solution Essay -Núria Martínez

The same forms of bullying (sexual, emotional, physical and social) take place in dating relationships. Abuse in teen relationships is the pattern of abusive behaviour that somebody uses against the person. Abuse in relationships may occur to anyone regardless of age, sex or family positions. Abuse doesn’t take to remain sexually: It may take some forms, including threats, feeling abuse, separations from friends and family, and manipulating what someone wears or who they socialize with. It will also include being coerced to make love before they are waiting, sexual assault or rape. Within this, does the lacks of information and education have influence?

There are lots of ways that a person can be abusive towards their couple, such as coming from an abusive family, having problems with drugs, etc. That’s why the school needs to take care of these behaviours distantly but having an effect on the people. It is necessary to prevent those actions informing not only teenagers but children from middle school that these types of behaviour are not normal and how to notice if it’s happening to you or to someone close.

Moreover, school is the place where we spend most of the time of our lives. Consequently, it’s also the place where most of this type of behaviour takes action. That’s why we all need to collaborate if there is a victim and someone who’s causing it.

diumenge, 22 de març del 2020

Problem Solution Essay-Laura Paniagua

Nowadays, a lot of people suffer abuse. The typical abuse is between a couple, but mans abuse more than womens. And why a lot of people abuse to other people?

Abusing a person can have side effects for both, for the abuser and the abused. For the abused it can affect in different ways. For instance, if in a near future he or she has a relationship with another person, it may affect to his or her relationship. Furthermore the familiars of the abused can have fear.

This type of things have different solutions. First, they can tell with her or his parents or her or his friends this problem. However, a lot of familiars ask with his son or  her daughter and advice about his or her relationship, for example: you should have left your  boyfriend or your girlfriend. But then they didn't do. Second you have to go to the police, and tell all your problem. But the best idea is to educate to all the childrens that abuse to a person is bad idea. Although this thing don't stop the violence around the world.

In conclusion, we have differents things to stop this abusation, but the abuse upgrade to, little by little.

divendres, 20 de març del 2020

Problem Solution Essay - Lucía García

Problem Solution Essay

The question in this case is, that if schools should add additional educational programs to inform about all forms of abuse? And if this could be the solution for preventing abuse, for teenagers who have toxics relationships, and then can confront the problem.

First of all, we may know that, many teenagers have toxic relationships, because they think that no one else can love them, in the same way, they think, that their partners do, then, they will never want to admit that they are suffering abuse, because they don’t notices at all, or they don’t want to.
Afterward, the initial idea of adding educational programs, could have had successful result in primary education, focused on the respect of each other, showing the types of abuses that exist, raise awareness this little persons when they are growing up.
The solution reside in as, and in ourself love, because no one could never love you more, and better than you, and with this clear we will at last, solution this problems, for sure.

Lucía García
1r Batx C

PROBLEM SOLUTION ESSAY - Susana Márquez Parente

Before to start with this, we have to know that at the day of today there are some many toxics relationships, more than we could imagine, and while there are some people that enjoy with his relationship there are another that couldn't have it because there is an aggressor that try to abuse and control to his. 
In the first place, I have to say that it's so hard to detect which are this relationship, but if we see one toxic relation, we have to act and change it. 
Secondly, I think that like a society we have to do some activities, specially for the teenagers because they are the one who start having relationships.
At this point one solution can be in the school. In the school might be an extra hour for do a therapy. The objective about this therapy is spoken openly, to solve doubts that a couple could have, to speak about the news emotions…. 
To sum up, I think that the toxic relationships must be eliminated if the society acts. If everyone put his grain of sand, everything would be better.

dijous, 19 de març del 2020

Problem solution essay- Andrea

Nowadays lots of teenagers are involved in relationships with couples and a large percentage of them turn out to be toxic.In today's education system they don't talk about relationship abuses as often as they should, personally I think there should be more talks about that.

First things first, the people who is actually into an abusive relationship, either out of fear or threats they don't say it. these people should ask for help from an adult who can get them out of there, as it's very serious.

I think that schools could have an extra hour, maybe one time a month,to teach about it and so teens can identify it. They can also be open to some some kind of "therapies" to help those who are suffering it.

In conclusion, I think that in general victims should try to deal with it and explain it, and for schools to raise awareness of this issue in order to try to reduce cases.


Nowadays people want to get in a relationship at a really young age. They must not do that, because that might lead them to be in toxic or abusive relationships, due to the fact that they are too young to know how relationships work and they can be abused Also many people think that this happens because young people watch violent programs on the TV.

In my opinion watching violence on tv it is not a violence increasing factor because we see it in a lot of situations like in the street. It is said that young people who are under 12 years old, buy and watch violent games. For example, many of these games, which put a minimum age to play, are recommended that small children do not play because they are very violent. If children paid attention to this alert type, they would have a better future without so much violence.

In coclusion, schools and parents should teach students about all types of abuse and not keep them close to violent games and programs


Toxic relationships in teenagers, unfortunately, are really common and, ironically, are not too easy to detect. The aggressor, who can or cannot be aware of his behaviour, abuse and manipulate the other person. This one, don’t know is being controlled and, here is the real problem and why school should talk about that dangerous conducts that are being accepted as normal, ignoring the important weight can have in us.

For many teenagers, it can’t have been easy to take the step and broke their abusive relationships, above all, because they had to lead with the fear and the culpability the aggressor imposes in them. However, the real first step is to be able to realize yourself that relationships are not normal and have to finish. Then, how?

Education institutions must offer additional educational programs to inform about all forms of abuse. But, that’s not the solution. Basically, the solution to that problem is in our hands, we are who have to take the step, schools just would help you to take it.


We live on an age when many of us have toxic relationships with our couples and consequently we can suffer from abuse and the intervention of schools in this type of problems using educational programs is a hotly-debated topic that often divides opinion.

First of all, a good way to reduce the damage of child abuse and neglect is to prevent child abuse and neglect, and also this programs must educate children, their parents, teachers, school professionals and the community in order to prevent any abuse.
What is more, education can be the best solution to resolve all types of abuse, you can educate children and adolescents in their behaviors and identify toxic relationships. For example, if a young girl or boy falls for somebody and the other person engages in toxic behavior, they might have received adequate education and they could report it.

To sum up, a good way to prevent and eliminate abuses is the education of the whole communitity so as to show people what is wrong and what is good.

dimecres, 18 de març del 2020


Now a days teenangers strat to have relationships so early and that behaves a bad responsabilty to deal with a couple. And sometimes it create a mistrust that can incite an abuse. And one off all solution is the additional educational programs that schools offer.
First of all, that could have a good solution for all the people that is suffering abuse. Some profetionals should help emotionally to forgot that epoch and to have the value to leave that relation and denunce her or his couple.
By the time, I think that it is not the only solution. The people that love this person like her or his friends or family may stay by his or her side and fighting for can he or she get ove up.
In conclusions, I think that the only person that can stand up and overcome the situation is the victim and with the help of her or his enviroment could back to begin the same as before.