dilluns, 7 d’octubre del 2019

Self description - Lucía García

Hi, my name is Lucía García and this is my self description.

Well I have two cats and I have one brother who is called Victor and one sister who is called Cristina, I really get on with them, and I’m the uncle of Alicia and I’ll be aunt in seven months.

Then lets continue, Im 15 years old, physically I have wavy hair, I have almond-shaped eyes, more or less, my mouth is quit small, and my nose too and, I wear glasses all day long.
I really enjoy singing and listening to music, meeting with my friends and, I really enjoy too, with people that we have a lot in common and as well as going shopping, travelling I could be my favourite thing of all.
I can seem a bit indifferent or cold but in fact I’m not. When I’m relaxed and comfortable I can be very funny or silly, depending how you want to see it, I really take care of people that are important to me, but I’m not naive, and that’s all I can explain in 160 wods, about me…
In fact there are not just 160 words...

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