dimarts, 8 d’octubre del 2019

Self Description - Judit López

My name is Judit, I have 15 years old and I am from Barcelona. I live with my parents and my little brother in "Sant Martí de Provençals" hood.

Physically I am very similar to my father. Both of us have a lenghtened face, thickness lips and big brown eyes. We also have a big nose and forehead. Our personality is very similar too, that's why we clash all the time. We are very sincere and direct persons. Also we are very funny and love making other people laugh.
I love to dance. I've danced in different academies for 11 years. It's my passion. Another think that I love a lot is animals. I really look up to Frank Cuesta, a Spanish activist, famous for sticks up for Animal Law.
But definitley what I love the most in the world is to go to my village, in Albacete, where I spend the best summers of my life, and where I have found the best people.

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