The relation between the consumption of television and behavior of the children is nowadays dangerous. The impact of entertainment and the content of the media cause effects, such as violent behavior and lack of vaules.
Firstly, as I see it, violence is increasing in teenagers who watch violent movies, series or play aggressive videogames.
The main problem of watching aggressiveness in TV is that teenagers can become “immune” to it and think it is the right way to solve problems.
I am of the point that if parents supervised what their children watch, whose life’s would not be in danger of aggressiveness.
To sum up, if aggressiveness programs were more restricted it would not be the main cause of violence in young people.
dimarts, 11 de febrer del 2020
Essay opinion- Carla Martín Amor
It is generally
agreed that
nowadays a lot of teenagers, who are important for our society, are
increasing their violence because of what they are learning with television and
the programs full of brute force and cruelty.
I believe that the things
we watch and play everyday like television, videogames… can negatively affect our behavior. For
example, according to media if we had lived at the time of our parents, we wouldn’t
have any bad references or problems now. Because when our parents
were young, they didn’t have anything to get manipulate whit.
Furthermore, in my opinion this violence is more
dangerous that what it seems. It is clear to me that some teenagers had
started into the word of vandalism for repeating what they have been seen for
years in their screens. Studies show that the 70% of these teens will be
criminals and muerders in the future!
To sum
up, I think that if
the future societies grow with a better environment where this type of programs doesn't publish, they will be happier and with less criminals. I believe that this type of issues should be a topic of debate for politicians.
Opinion Essay - Paula Giménez
Nowadays, we all
have access to internet, so it is easier to see different types of movies or
series. Sometimes this series or films have some violent scenes and maybe it
makes teenagers became more violent because they are who see it more. These
days we are used to hear phrases like “if there were not violence in the movies
or series, they would have no knowledge of the violence.
For my point of view,
the violent scenes can influence teenagers that are around thirteen years
because they are easily influenced. On the other hand, the teenagers that are
around fifteen years old can be less easily influences. Despite being young,
they are able to separate the fiction of the reality. Furthermore, they would
think the consequences before acting. Although, I am completely disagree with
the people who say that if they see so much violence on TV, they will believe
that is what they have to do.
Moreover, I think
that parents have a very important role here, because they are who have to
control the content their children see and educate them correctly to prevent
them from believing all they watch on TV.
To summarize, I
think that it is important the education that the children receives at home,
because on it depends that they became less easily influenced and able to
create their own conclusions about the violence that they see on TV.
Nowadays, we are living in a reality that we all know: violence in society is caused by humans. There are so many series and movies that use this violence only for entertainment. But I think that if the television shows violence, it's so bad for teenagers.
From my point of view, people act with violence because they have suffered or saw it before. Specially teenagers, because they live around their emotions. Furthermore, if they don't think before acting, the situation won't end well. They want to follow the conduct of their role models, but sometimes these aren't good for them. Moreover, all teenagers, who are always connected in social media or television, they are the most manipulable generation.
In conclusion, I believe that violence increases more among teenagers when is shown on television because it's a social media by which violence is more visible. Also, teenagers are guided by their feelings and they don't see the consequences of their actions.
Opinion Essay - Martí Ramírez
TV programs that show violence
increase violence in society? How does this affect teenagers?
Firstly, it’s
true that since TV shows show more violence there have been cases of
violence among teenagers. But
in my opinion, this increase of violence in the society isn’t only
caused for this because there are more factors that I think have
increased violence in society, for example the video
Also, I think that the teenagers are
used to watching violence (in movies, in video games, in series, on
social networks…) and this isn’t a new. For this reason if a
teenager, who is sufficiently aware of his actions, watched
a violent program, would nothing should happen. In
my opinion, if a person watch a violent program on TV and commit
some barbarity, will not be consequence of this program, will
be consequence of other things,
like the values of this person.
In conclusion, I think that the
violence of some people isn’t induced for the violence shown on
television otherwise for other factors, starting with people’s
opinion essay-nora salvans
Actually the violence has increased a lot and part of the blame is on the TV. Every year appears new movies where there is more violent than the old ones and there are more weapons and fights.
I think that all of those movies afects on the brains of the people and specially on the teenagers personalities. Every day I see news of teenagers who commit a crime
The television in my opinion is a thing that might be restringed for some people and ages and some channels might be forviden for some people younger Thant 18 years. Maybe with this measures the violence in the street stop increasing.
Opinion Essay - Araceli Casino
OPINION ESSAY- Araceli Casino
Violence among teenagers increases when more violence is shown on television? I think that it is a really complicated to talk about, because all depends of how are you, if you are an easy influenced person the television will probably affect you, but in the other hand if you have very clear your values and ideals about the violence and what is righ you can watch violence on tv and discern that violence is wrong.
In my opinion, watching violence on tv it is not a violence increasing factor because we see it in a lot of situations everyday and we don’t imitate those actions. But in ones which the violence is inside and have mental issues is more probably that the violence shown on tv could affect them by seeing it as a normal thing based on his mental structure, this could be a problem, is because of that, the news must be careful about how explicit the violence they show is.
In conclusion, tv must show violence but not in a very explicit way because the morbid of the ones who think that is satisfying. Showing violence on tv in a responsible way could work to educate the teenagers about the real world and the bad things that happen in it everyday.
Opinion Essay - Carla Lamata
seems that saying that television is a bad influence for teenagers, it is a fashion. I don't agree when people say that the violence on TV shows affect on our society.
Nowadays, teenagers can watch all kind of contents in
internet. I think that the best way to avoid this violence is taking control on
what they watch since they are children. Obviously there are many
TV programs that promote a wrong behaviour, but it doesn’t mean that teenagers will do the same later.
I think that what really affect teenagers are those video games that make you win killing as much people as you can. I think that this is the real problem because despite all those ganes are recommended for people over 18, many parents bought them for their children under 18.
I think that what really affect teenagers are those video games that make you win killing as much people as you can. I think that this is the real problem because despite all those ganes are recommended for people over 18, many parents bought them for their children under 18.
In conclusion, we
would have to be concerned about the values
we gave to our children and not about the TV programmes they watch. When are we going to change?
Opinión essay - Andrea de la Cruz
Nowadays, in our society, lots of people think that violence comes from seeing TV programmes or videogames that are involved with violence but, is this true?
First things first, education is very important here. If a kid has been involved of those scenareos of violence, the child is going to end up thinking that it's normal. But, if It's about a teenager/adult It changes.
I personally think that a teenager or an adult is someone who has already built their mind enough. If any of them does something related with violence, It's because they can't spot the difference between ficcion and reality, and that's a whole different type of problem, because It's related to mental illness.
First things first, education is very important here. If a kid has been involved of those scenareos of violence, the child is going to end up thinking that it's normal. But, if It's about a teenager/adult It changes.
I personally think that a teenager or an adult is someone who has already built their mind enough. If any of them does something related with violence, It's because they can't spot the difference between ficcion and reality, and that's a whole different type of problem, because It's related to mental illness.
someone plays violent videogames or watch violents shows will they be more aggressive?
Violence is
present in a lot of shows on TV. Nowadays, some people think that triggers in an
aggressive behaviour. If they say so, must it be real? Well, that’s not
my point of view.
in excess is bad, the same happens with the violence. Anybody will be a
criminal just because played a violent videogame. The problem appears in young
ages, when teenagers or children have a flexible brain. In other words,
they like to experiment, want to recreate what they see, but that doesn’t
mean they will be aggressive when they grow. Even so, parents who are the responsible should be careful with some behaviours.
conclusion it would be necessary to clarify that aggressivity it’s more given
from violent experiences in life, especially in childhood, than from videogames
or movies.
Opinion Essay - Alba Fernández Vivar
Is it true
that violence increases in teenagers by playing video games and watching
television? Now I will leave my opinion on this subject
Mainly I
think so, that could be a reason, but not the only one. I mean there has
always been violence and before there was no television. It is true that if
there were not so many violent movies and video games, children would have no
way of knowing that violence. I don’t think it is the best way to end the
problem to eliminate all violence from video games, as it would be censorship,
and I think that children can know the reality. The parents would have to see
that the children make responsible use of the video games and that the
movies are appropriate to the age, because the children, especially the little
ones, are the ones who can then imitate what they see
OPINION ESSAY - Martina Solé
It is often
said that watching violent scenes on television increases the amount of violence in
society, especially among teenagers, something with which I strongly agree.
To start
with, it is clear to me that if teenagers, who are still building their personalities,
watch programs where violence is shown, this will become a part of it. For
instance, there are many families whose children’s behavior started to worsen
when they were allowed to start watching programs including explicit violence.
the more you watch something the more used to it you get, which is one of the
reasons why teenagers become more aggressive when watching programs where
violence is shown. Children may normalize this kind of attitudes and
incorporate them into their usual behavior.
To sum up,
I am of the opinion that if programs which include violence had age
restrictions or parental control, aggressive attitudes among teenagers would decrease.
OPINION ESSAY - Aina Garrido
Violence in society, especially among teenagers increases when more violence is shown on television. Watching violence makes people more attracted to implement it.
From my point of view, when more times you watch something, more used to it you are. That’s what happens with violence.
Nowadays, most of the series and movies that we watch, contain some kind of violence, which is a big problem, because it has been proved that people usually copy the behavior they see around them.
In my opinion, media violence can encourage children to learn aggressive behavior and attitudes. That’s why if I have a child, I won’t let him watch this type of entertaining.
In addition, I believe that teenagers are growing up. I think they pass by a period where their mind is still growing up, and watching violence could affect their learning process and introduce some incorrect behaviors. I’m not saying that if you watch violence you will become a mad person, but if you do it, you could have more possibilities to think more like violent than someone who has not watched it.
In conclusion, people should be more careful about what they watch. Violence can attract young people and introduce them to some mad behaviors.
Opinion Essay - Lucía García
If I’ve been watching violence shown in televition since i was little i would have a violentic attitude.
I can say and prove that i completely disagree this affirmation.
First i’ll talk since my point of view; my parents seldom forbid me to see any violence content in general, because they are completely sure that, when someone use the violence to “defend” themselves, is something about the values of each one, and the ones that parent and culture gives, i can not say that sometimes, this reactions can be caused by the surroundings of everyone on his own, notably in the social scope as much as the family, school, neighborhood, and whatever.
Also, if in the hypothetical case that we were sure that the affirmation at the beginning of the argument is were true, people that play video games, where most part of the industry gets, the most successful results with video games focused on the violence, the most part of the world should act aggressive, no?.
Summarising, what i mean is, for me, the unleashing to the aggressivity that many people has, is not because of what televition show, being something that come from the nature of each one, and if we let our scope influence as on this therms we will pay it, with the consequences of our actions.
Opinion essay-Noa Margarit
There are many forms of entertainment now and the most popular are movies, series, video games. The people who see it most are the teenagers. That is why you have to be very careful.
Firstly,teenagers are very influential since they are still forming. If you let them see very violent scenes the child will imitate him in the reality. They are in a dangerous situation because of them. The parents who let their children let them see are responsible. Children when they are young tend to imitate everything they see. If they see so much violence on TV they will believe they are in that world
Education is the basis of society. If you don’t educate yourself from respect and tolerance, they will think that what you see is correct when in truth it is not.
In conclusion, I believe that the problem is education. If you make it very clear since childhood that it is wrong, when you see it on TV sometime, you won't want to follow it because they realize it's wrong.Opinion Essay- Adrian
Nowadays people believed that violence in our society, especially among teenagers, increases when more violence is shown on television.
Firstly, we have the news that are always focusing on domestic violence. It is clear that this is a current problem which will not be solved only showing many cases of violence in TV. I think this doesn’t help to solve the problem. It would be better raising awareness about the situation. It is also true that cartoons are getting more violent because they want to become more complex and obtain a great market share. If I were a TV producer I would try to create social responsible cartoons.
Secondly, the most important factor for preventing violence is education at school and also at home. The statement “they do what the see” is in part because of the lack of control from parents that buy a new Ipad or mobile to their children at an early age and then can’t exercise control of what they children’s are watching. This is the main reason why many kids have an early childhood.
In conclusion, I believe that if society becomes more conscious of the problem, it would help try to adopt effective measures against this incoming violence.
Opinion Essay - Judit López
It's true that nowadays society violence, specially among teenagers, is increasing if you compare it with how the society was ten years ago. A lot of people thinks that films, video games, TV series are the main reason of it, but, is it true?
Personally, I think that the problem is not the video games or the films, because a teenager who uses violence to solve situations probably have a behaivor problem, that probably came from the parents education. It's logical that if an aggressive teenager watch violent programs, it will be more violent.
Futhermore, video games, which are violent, always have an age restriction, if a person buys this games, is his responsability.
All in all, if teenagers violence is increasing is because of the parents that don't know how to educate their kids, not because of videogames.
All in all, if teenagers violence is increasing is because of the parents that don't know how to educate their kids, not because of videogames.
Nowdays, there are lots of children that watch a lot of time the television daily. Some people think that because of this is, there are more violence in the street.
Firstly, I think that the teenegers or children are very innocent at that age so they belive everything. Wich is a reason to understand why now teenegers are more violent. In my point of view is very dengerous to show violence in the TV, because little children will tried to copy. So, if they copy the people that appere in the tv doing bad things they will have repeat the same acts so probably they will have problems with some people or with the authorety.
Moreover, video games and television need to reduce social violence because truculent people in videogames can be real in our lifes. If we want to reduce violence we need to change the way that we educate kids.
In conclusion, I think the problem about this is who organize the TV or media, they don't realice that this is a problem for kids and unintentionally they are learning bad things, that they could do in a future when they grow up.
Firstly, I think that the teenegers or children are very innocent at that age so they belive everything. Wich is a reason to understand why now teenegers are more violent. In my point of view is very dengerous to show violence in the TV, because little children will tried to copy. So, if they copy the people that appere in the tv doing bad things they will have repeat the same acts so probably they will have problems with some people or with the authorety.
Moreover, video games and television need to reduce social violence because truculent people in videogames can be real in our lifes. If we want to reduce violence we need to change the way that we educate kids.
In conclusion, I think the problem about this is who organize the TV or media, they don't realice that this is a problem for kids and unintentionally they are learning bad things, that they could do in a future when they grow up.
Opinion Essay - Sofía Sainz
Someone who has seen programs since childhood that are
theoretically not allowed for their age due to violence, is more likely to
increase their aggressiveness when he or she get older. In part I agree with that, if you see something
repeatedly since child it will be engraved on your head when you grow up, but
when we talk about a murder for example, I don’t consider it in the same group. Many adults, above all, have blamed video games or
violent programs to justify a teenager who has committed murder, we always look
for the maximum number of culprits, but that is incorrect, the only reason why
the boy have killed someone is because he had already thought before, what if
they could have done television is to overtake or increase their desire, but
never provoke something like that from scratch.
Is it true that children who watch violent programs and play videogames grow more violently than other children?
It's true that in some cases it may happen that the child adopts violent behavior if he has previously seen them on television but, in my opinion, it's the parents who should educate their children, not television.
Shouldn't it be the responsibility of the parents?
In the other hand, children who watch violence on television are more aware of the cruel reality in the world.
In conclusion, how could we solve this problem? In my point of view, it should be adults who should try to educate their children correctly, not television, which can relay their programs if they always say the recommended age.
Opinion Essay - Susana Márquez Parente
Violence which is one of the most problematic issues in the actually society, unfortunately it has been increasing day after day. But, which is the principal factor that provocates this problem?
Maybe, if you ask this to your family and friends, they would answer you saying that at the day of today televisions programs are showing actions that there aren’t appropriate for children and young people.
Firstly, in my opinion, I think that not only television is the principal factor because also, there are violence in video games.
Secondly, I believe that parents should control and teach what should be done and what should not be done.
And finally, I think that If we respect the age classification recommended, which every movie and series has, we could save many problems.
In conclusion, my opinion is that the young society should watch television programs and play video games that are appropriate for them, as long as they are controlled.
dilluns, 10 de febrer del 2020
It is often said that TV violence increases youth violence. Is this right? What many people do not know is the degree of influence that television has on his kids and teenagers.
Unfortunately, much of today's programming is violent, which means that young people who consume such programs can become "immune" to the horror of violence, accept violence as a way of solving problems, imitate the violence they see on television, or identify with certain characters, whether they are victims or abusers.
Based on that, we can absolutely say that young people can be affected and influenced by the content they see on television. If there wasn't so much violence in the programming, probably the level of violence would drop.
In my opinion, everything can affect children and young people and the consumption of violence both on television and in video games does not help to reduce aggressions. However, I do not think television is responsible of youth violence either, since most violent images reflect some reality, so I think the best thing would be to fix those problems first.
To sum up, television is a further contributor to the use of violence by adolescents but it is not the main cause.
Unfortunately, much of today's programming is violent, which means that young people who consume such programs can become "immune" to the horror of violence, accept violence as a way of solving problems, imitate the violence they see on television, or identify with certain characters, whether they are victims or abusers.
Based on that, we can absolutely say that young people can be affected and influenced by the content they see on television. If there wasn't so much violence in the programming, probably the level of violence would drop.
In my opinion, everything can affect children and young people and the consumption of violence both on television and in video games does not help to reduce aggressions. However, I do not think television is responsible of youth violence either, since most violent images reflect some reality, so I think the best thing would be to fix those problems first.
To sum up, television is a further contributor to the use of violence by adolescents but it is not the main cause.
Opinion essay - Annette Benning
These days, the amount of violence in teenangers is growing. But many people say that this violence lead humans to dangerous future, others claim that it has no damaging effect on the society.
Firstly, I think that people act from their motives, doesn’t matter what they see on the television. If someone intends to do harm to somebody, that is not because of watching TV or playing computer games, but due to that person's character and education. Although it is generally considered that violent media influence, I doubt this opinion.
Moreover, video games and television maybe can reduce social violence because In other words, truculent people can fight in virtual reality. This may reduce the level of social violence.
Finally, I would say that violence has no influence on people's behavior. Television and computers are not the main factors that create our personality, and they can even be useful in reducing the level of violence. If we give more importance, it will create more doubt.
Opinion Essay - Sara Martínez
It is true that violence in society, specially among teenagers, is increasing due to all shows,
movies or video games that teenagers watch or play every day? As a teenager, I think the
violence that is shown in television can be harmful.
As I see it, if most kids grow up watching violence in TV, they will use violence as a way
to solve their problems in the future. So, in my opinion, I think that parents should supervise
which shows, movies or video games are their children watching or playing, until they've
grown enough to know what shows they should watch and which they shouldn’t.
In my view, if kids grow up watching not violent content, they won’t have a violent behaviour,
and they will understand the violence that is shown in shows, movies or video games are
not an example to follow and it is just made for entertainment.
dissabte, 8 de febrer del 2020
Opinion Essay - Núria Martínez
Children watch an average of four hours of television daily. Does violence on TV has a harmful effect on children and adolescents? The violence presented on TV has a surprisingly harmful effect.
Kids who see pictures at which violence is evident, often repeated, are more likely to imitate what they do.
Moreover, TV violence causes children and teenagers to grow less compassionate, less self-conscious, to grow less receptive and they probably may have the highest probability to have aggressive behaviour. Young people can be affected even when their family shows no tendency towards violence. Anyway, the impact of TV violence may appear directly in the person’s behaviour or may surface years later.
In conclusion, that’s why is important to control the media from someone closely related is watching, because it may prevent him from mistakes he will regret and affect him in the near future. If teenagers and kids had better control over what they are watching, they wouldn’t have any kind of violent impulses allowed to be swayed by the TV.
dijous, 6 de febrer del 2020
OPINION ESSAY-Laura Paniagua
Nowadays it is said that teenagers are more violent since they watch vilent actions in television, this is real?And what can we do to change it? From my point of view I think that television does that teenagers will be more violents.
Firstly I think that if parents believe their children can watch that series or films, any problem. If they accept this thing, they will not have the right to complain if his child does violent actions for instance steal, hit, hack and so forth.
Secondly if the children does violence actions, his parents will have to stop because in a near future he could do worse things. Furthermore, not only television is bad for teenagers, also videogames, not all, but some teach what is violence.
In conclusion, you or your parents have to decide which serie will be the best to watch.
Firstly I think that if parents believe their children can watch that series or films, any problem. If they accept this thing, they will not have the right to complain if his child does violent actions for instance steal, hit, hack and so forth.
Secondly if the children does violence actions, his parents will have to stop because in a near future he could do worse things. Furthermore, not only television is bad for teenagers, also videogames, not all, but some teach what is violence.
In conclusion, you or your parents have to decide which serie will be the best to watch.
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